Friday, August 6, 2010

sometimes it feels really good to bitch

Over five years ago we were roommates at Trinity College. Today we are doing different things with our lives in various parts of the Northeast. Linds is a suburban housewife living in Massachusetts. She is enjoying her new job as Mom to Jackson and hopes her friends start popping out kiddos for him to play with soon. Justyn works in e-commerce for a preppy clothing company in NYC. She hopes to move back to her homeland, San Fransico, ASAP - boyfriend in tow. Lindsey works for a commercial real estate company and lives in the North End of Boston. She is applying to grad schools and hopes to be in China next summer with her people. Catie just moved to Connecticut and is looking for an elementary school teaching job. She is having anxiety about the possibility of being unemployed in several weeks. For the past five years we have emailed each other from our cubicles, desks, and blackberries almost every weekday. We have been happy, sad, angry, confused, and drunk. Today we decided to make our means of communication even more high tech via blog because sometimes it feels really good to bitch.